If the VM hosting Octopus Deploy is somehow destroyed or deleted, the Master Key goes with it. The Master Key is securely stored on the server, not in the database. Octopus Deploy uses the Master Key to encrypt and decrypt sensitive values in the Octopus Deploy database. Back them up once to a secure location and move on to the standard upgrade process. The master key doesn’t change, while your license key changes, at most, once a year. It is better to have the backup and not need it than need the backup and not have it. If anything goes wrong, you might need these keys to do a restore. Prep Workīefore starting the upgrade, it is critical to back up the master key and license key. A patch release is when the third number is incremented, from 2020.4.1 to 2020.4.2.
A minor release of Octopus Deploy is when the second number in the version is incremented.